130 Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines That Actually Work

Are you looking to add a touch of Westerosi charm to your real-world interactions? Dive into the realm of clever and entertaining Game of Thrones pick-up lines that bring a playful twist to your conversations. Whether you’re a fan of Jon Snow’s brooding charisma or Tyrion Lannister’s wit, these lines will transport you to the Seven Kingdoms of love and humor. Unleash your inner flirt and discover how the iconic series can inspire some truly memorable icebreakers.

Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a White Walker? Because when I look at you, I feel a chill down my spine.
  2. Is your name Jon Snow? Because you’ve just swept me off my Wall.
  3. Are you Tyrion Lannister? Because you’re short and witty, and I can’t resist you.
  4. I must be a dragon because I’m breathing fire for you.
  5. Are you Arya Stark? Because you’ve stolen a piece of my heart.
  6. If beauty were time, you’d be an eternity in the House of Black and White.
  7. You must be the Lord of Light because you’ve lit up my world.
  8. Are you from Dorne? Because you’ve got that fiery spirit.
  9. I’m not a maester, but I can make your heart beat faster.
  10. Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes, and I need directions back to Winterfell.
  11. If I were a direwolf, I’d be constantly by your side.
  12. Are you a warg? Because every time I close my eyes, I see you.
  13. Is your name Cersei? Because you’ve got that regal confidence.
  14. You must be from the Reach because you’ve reached my heart.
  15. I’m not a Faceless Man, but I’d change my identity for you.
  16. Are you a wildling? Because you’ve captured my heart beyond the Wall.
  17. Is your name Hodor? Because all I can say is, “Hodor” when I see you.
  18. You must be Valyrian steel because you’re rare and can cut through my defenses.
  19. Are you a maester? Because you’ve mastered the art of stealing hearts.
  20. If you were a dragon egg, I’d be willing to wait for you to hatch.
  21. Is your name Bran? Because you’ve left me speechless.
  22. You must be a direwolf, because I’d follow you anywhere.
  23. Are you the Night King? Because you’ve frozen my heart in place.
  24. If you were a castle, you’d be the one I’d defend with all my might.
  25. Is your name Brienne of Tarth? Because you’re a knight in shining armor.

Funny Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines

  1. You must be a maester’s raven because you’ve delivered a message straight to my heart.
  2. Are you from the Iron Islands? Because you’ve reaved and pillaged my thoughts.
  3. Is your name Samwell? Because you’ve just stolen all my books and left me defenseless.
  4. You must be wildfire because you’ve set my heart ablaze.
  5. Are you a Faceless Man? Because you’ve changed my life.
  6. Is your name Davos? Because you’ve got the fingers of a smuggler – you’ve stolen my heart.
  7. You must be a red priestess because you’ve brought warmth to my cold heart.
  8. Are you a shadowbinder? Because you’ve cast a spell on me.
  9. Is your name Gendry? Because you’ve forged a connection with my heart.
  10. You must be a warg, because I can’t get you out of my mind.
  11. Are you a maester’s chain? Because you’ve got the key to my heart.
  12. Is your name Ygritte? Because you’ve captured my wild heart.
  13. You must be a maester’s quill because you’ve written yourself into my story.
  14. Are you a direwolf? Because I feel a strong connection with you.
  15. Is your name Melisandre? Because you’ve lit a fire in my soul.
  16. You must be a dragon rider because you’ve taken me for a magical ride.
  17. Are you from the Riverlands? Because you’ve flowed into my heart.
  18. Is your name Podrick? Because you’re a legend in the bedroom of my heart.
  19. You must be a dragon queen because you’ve conquered my heart and mind.
  20. Are you a warg? Because you’ve infiltrated my dreams.
  21. Is your name Tormund? Because you’ve climbed over the walls of my heart.
  22. You must be a direwolf pup because I want to raise you by my side.
  23. Are you from Highgarden? Because you’ve blossomed in my heart.
  24. Is your name Arya? Because you’ve become No One in my thoughts.
  25. You must be the Three-Eyed Raven because you’ve seen into my soul.

Cheesy Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a weirwood tree? Because I want to carve our initials into our destiny.
  2. Is your name Rhaegal? Because you’ve become the fire in my heart.
  3. You must be a greenseer because you’ve foreseen yourself in my future.
  4. Are you a maester’s library? Because I want to explore every chapter of your heart.
  5. Is your name Theon? Because you’ve reclaimed your place in my heart.
  6. You must be a castle door because you’ve opened up a new world for me.
  7. Are you a maester’s potion? Because you’ve brewed a love spell on me.
  8. Is your name Bronn? Because you’re the sellsword to my heart.
  9. You must be the Wall because you’ve protected my heart from wild emotions.
  10. Are you a wildfire explosion? Because you’ve ignited a spark in my soul.
  11. Is your name Gilly? Because you’ve found a home in my heart.
  12. You must be a map of Westeros because you’ve charted a course to my heart.
  13. Are you a castle in the Stormlands? Because you’ve weathered the storms in my heart.
  14. Is your name Hot Pie? Because you’ve baked your way into my heart.
  15. You must be a maester’s parchment because you’ve written a love letter in my soul.
  16. Are you a red comet? Because you’ve appeared in my life as a sign.
  17. Is your name Jorah? Because you’ve been faithful in my heart.
  18. You must be a maester’s chain link because you’ve connected with my heart.
  19. Are you a dragon egg? Because I want to watch our love hatch and grow.
  20. Is your name Davos? Because you’ve smuggled your way into my heart.
  21. You must be a shadow assassin because you’ve silently taken over my thoughts.
  22. Are you from the Free Cities? Because you’ve set my heart free.
  23. Is your name Brienne? Because you’ve sworn an oath to protect my heart.
  24. You must be a Faceless Man because you’ve seamlessly blended into my world.
  25. Are you a maester’s scroll? Because you’ve unfolded a love story in my heart.

Clever Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines

  1. Is your name Margaery? Because you’ve blossomed in the gardens of my heart.
  2. You must be a dragon glass dagger because you’ve pierced through my defenses.
  3. Are you from the Vale? Because you’ve soared into my heart like a falcon.
  4. Is your name Grey Worm? Because you’ve conquered my heart with strength and loyalty.
  5. You must be a wildfire cache because you’ve exploded into my life.
  6. Is your name Winter? Because you’re coming.
  7. Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
  8. If you were a dragon, I’d be the mother of your dragons.
  9. Are you Arya Stark? Because you’ve stolen a piece of my heart.
  10. Do you have a Valyrian steel sword? Because you just slayed me.
  11. Is your name Hodor? Because you hold the door to my heart.
  12. Are you a direwolf? Because I’d follow you anywhere.
  13. Are you a warg? Because you’ve invaded my dreams.
  14. If beauty were time, you’d be eternity.
  15. Are you the Wall? Because I’d climb you.
  16. Are you a Targaryen? Because you set my heart on fire.
  17. Do you have a Dragonglass dagger? Because you’re my only weakness.
  18. Is your name Jon Snow? Because I know nothing without you.
  19. Are you the Iron Throne? Because I’d fight for you.
  20. Do you have a Three-Eyed Raven? Because you’ve seen into my soul.
  21. Are you a Faceless Man? Because you’ve changed my life.
  22. Is your name Khal Drogo? Because you’ve conquered my heart.
  23. Are you a maester? Because you’ve mastered the art of stealing my heart.
  24. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
  25. Are you a red priestess? Because you’ve lit a fire in my heart.

Dirty Game Of Thrones Pick Up Lines

  1. Is your name Bran? Because you make my legs weak.
  2. Are you a Lannister? Because you’ve got that golden touch.
  3. Do you have a direwolf pup? Because we’re meant to be together.
  4. Are you a wildling? Because you’ve tamed my heart.
  5. Is your name Samwell? Because you’re the book I’ve been searching for.
  6. Are you a Night’s Watchman? Because I’d take the black for you.
  7. Do you have a dragon egg? Because you’ve hatched a love in me.
  8. Is your name Cersei? Because you’re the queen of my heart.
  9. Are you a Stark? Because winter is coming, and I want to be with you.
  10. Do you have a Kingsguard? Because you’ve guarded your way into my heart.
  11. Are you the Lord of Light? Because you’ve brought warmth to my world.
  12. Is your name Daenerys? Because you’ve conquered my kingdom.
  13. Are you a greenseer? Because you’ve seen a future with me.
  14. Do you have a raven? Because I’d send you messages of love.
  15. Is your name Podrick? Because you’ve got some magic moves.
  16. Are you a member of the Small Council? Because you’ve got my vote.
  17. Do you have a dragonglass heart? Because you’re my protection.
  18. Is your name Brienne? Because you’re the knight of my dreams.
  19. Are you a wight? Because you’ve brought me back to life.
  20. Do you have a hand of the king? Because I’d hold your hand forever.
  21. Are you a White Raven? Because you signal the changing seasons in my heart.
  22. Is your name Ygritte? Because you know nothing, but I still love you.
  23. Are you a horn of winter? Because you’ve blown away my defenses.
  24. Do you have a map of the Known World? Because I want to explore it with you.
  25. Is your name Ramsay? Because you’ve turned my life into a thrilling game.
  26. Are you a Stark direwolf? Because you’re fiercely loyal.
  27. Do you have a wildfire spark? Because you’ve ignited my passion.
  28. Is your name Tormund? Because you’re the giant that rocks my world.
  29. Are you a maester’s chain? Because you’ve got the key to my heart.
  30. Do you have a golden hand? Because you’re my knight in shining armor.

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